Thursday, April 7, 2011

Karma and Christians

It continues to amaze me how many born again believers I witness mention Karma whenever a situation happens that they want to see avenged. I cannot understand this correlation. My Bible says vengeance belongs to God alone. It also says it rains on the just and the unjust. Where is Karma in that?

On Wikipedia, the second paragraph under Karma's definition is, "'Karma' is an Indian religious concept in contradistinction to 'faith' espoused by Abrahamic religions. THANK YOU! A contradistinction to faith! As Christians, we walk by faith, and faith alone. My God is gracious enough to give us tangible fruit of our faith to savor as a reward along the road; however, how can I lovingly expect Him to strike down a fellow sojourner of this wretched world? My Savior died for them too!! I don't deserve His grace, so how can I judge who does?

I know its an imperfect world. I mess up FREQUENTLY; nevertheless, I know I still long for grace and forgiveness. I know I am required to pass that on to others as well - even those I might deem unworthy or unappreciative. The person who just hurt me might be hurting and not realize what they are doing to me or themselves. I don't have to worry about getting them back. I can forgive them because I have been forgiven of so much! I want them to receive the same precious free gift!!!!

So I agree with Wikipedia that Karma is a contradistinction from Christianity. A heart full of forgiveness and love cannot expect vengeance, but grace and mercy.